TODO for Chinese

Test ditaa 0.11.0 术语上方标注原文词语,用 HTML5 的 ruby + rt TAG 实现,但是rst现在还没有原生支持。 github 上 README 内的链接无效

TODO for raw doc (English version)

Cache Tier modes, do compare in table, include these column at least:

cache-mode Description Usage scene Consistency

Internal mechanism of federated radosgw config, or the lowest(needed pools at least) configuration for it.

Missed config option in doc, compares to list of ‘ceph daemon osd.0 config show’

option warnings fix:

/git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-deploy.rst:146: WARNING: option reference target not found: –mkfs /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:84: WARNING: option reference target not found: –activate-key /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:91: WARNING: option reference target not found: –mark-init /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:104: WARNING: option reference target not found: –no-start-daemon /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:107: WARNING: option reference target not found: –reactivate /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:127: WARNING: option reference target not found: –activate-key /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:127: WARNING: option reference target not found: –mark-init /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:148: WARNING: option reference target not found: –activate-key /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:148: WARNING: option reference target not found: –mark-init /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:198: WARNING: option reference target not found: –reactivate /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:212: WARNING: option reference target not found: –mark-out /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:216: WARNING: option reference target not found: –deactivate-by-id /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:235: WARNING: option reference target not found: –zap /git/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-disk.rst:242: WARNING: option reference target not found: –destroy-by-id