

If you cannot start the gateway (i.e., there is no existing pid), check to see if there is an existing .asok file from another user. If an .asok file from another user exists and there is no running pid, remove the .asok file and try to start the process again. This may occur when you start the process as a root user and the startup script is trying to start the process as a www-data or apache user and an existing .asok is preventing the script from starting the daemon.

The radosgw init script (/etc/init.d/radosgw) also has a verbose argument that can provide some insight as to what could be the issue:

/etc/init.d/radosgw start -v


/etc/init.d radosgw start --verbose

HTTP 请求错误

Examining the access and error logs for the web server itself is probably the first step in identifying what is going on. If there is a 500 error, that usually indicates a problem communicating with the radosgw daemon. Ensure the daemon is running, its socket path is configured, and that the web server is looking for it in the proper location.

radosgw 进程崩溃

如果 radosgw 进程挂了,一般会看到网页服务器( apache 、 nginx 等)返回 500 错误,这种情况下,只要重启 radosgw 就能恢复服务。

要调查崩溃原因,请检查 /var/log/ceph 里的日志、以及核心转储文件(如果生成了)。

阻塞的 radosgw 请求

如果某些(或者所有) radosgw 请求被阻塞了,你可以通过管理套接字深入了解 radosgw 守护进程的内部状态。默认情况下,套接字文件位于 /var/run/ceph ,可以这样查询:

ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/client.rgw help

help                list available commands
objecter_requests   show in-progress osd requests
perfcounters_dump   dump perfcounters value
perfcounters_schema dump perfcounters schema
version             get protocol version


ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/client.rgw objecter_requests

它会显示当前正在进行的、发往 RADOS 集群的请求。用这个功能你就能确定是否有请求因 OSD 不响应而被阻塞,比如,你也许能看到:

{ "ops": [
      { "tid": 1858,
        "pg": "2.d2041a48",
        "osd": 1,
        "last_sent": "2012-03-08 14:56:37.949872",
        "attempts": 1,
        "object_id": "fatty_25647_object1857",
        "object_locator": "@2",
        "snapid": "head",
        "snap_context": "0=[]",
        "mtime": "2012-03-08 14:56:37.949813",
        "osd_ops": [
              "write 0~4096"]},
      { "tid": 1873,
        "pg": "2.695e9f8e",
        "osd": 1,
        "last_sent": "2012-03-08 14:56:37.970615",
        "attempts": 1,
        "object_id": "fatty_25647_object1872",
        "object_locator": "@2",
        "snapid": "head",
        "snap_context": "0=[]",
        "mtime": "2012-03-08 14:56:37.970555",
        "osd_ops": [
              "write 0~4096"]}],
"linger_ops": [],
"pool_ops": [],
"pool_stat_ops": [],
"statfs_ops": []

在上面的显示中,有两个请求正在进行。 last_sent 字段是 RADOS 请求发出的时间,如果以及有一段时间了,说明那个 OSD 没响应。例如,对于 1858 这个请求,你可以这样检查 OSD 状态:

ceph pg map 2.d2041a48

osdmap e9 pg 2.d2041a48 (2.0) -> up [1,0] acting [1,0]

这说明,我们得查看 osd.1 ,它是这个 PG 的主副本:

ceph daemon osd.1 ops
    "num_ops": 651,
    "ops": [
         "description": "osd_op(client.4124.0:1858 fatty_25647_object1857 [write 0~4096] 2.d2041a48)",
         "received_at": "1331247573.344650",
         "age": "25.606449",
         "flag_point": "waiting for sub ops",
         "client_info": { "client": "client.4124",
             "tid": 1858}},

flag_point 字段表明这个 OSD 正在等待副本(本例中是 osd.0 )的响应。

Java S3 API 故障排除

Peer Not Authenticated

You may receive an error that looks like this:

[java] INFO: Unable to execute HTTP request: peer not authenticated

The Java SDK for S3 requires a valid certificate from a recognized certificate authority, because it uses HTTPS by default. If you are just testing the Ceph Object Storage services, you can resolve this problem in a few ways:

  1. Prepend the IP address or hostname with http://. For example, change this:



  2. After setting your credentials, add a client configuration and set the protocol to Protocol.HTTP.

    AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey);
    ClientConfiguration clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration();
    AmazonS3 conn = new AmazonS3Client(credentials, clientConfig);

405 MethodNotAllowed

If you receive an 405 error, check to see if you have the S3 subdomain set up correctly. You will need to have a wild card setting in your DNS record for subdomain functionality to work properly.

Also, check to ensure that the default site is disabled.

[java] Exception in thread "main" Status Code: 405, AWS Service: Amazon S3, AWS Request ID: null, AWS Error Code: MethodNotAllowed, AWS Error Message: null, S3 Extended Request ID: null