手动编辑一个 CRUSH 图


Manually editing the CRUSH map is considered an advanced administrator operation. All CRUSH changes that are necessary for the overwhelming majority of installations are possible via the standard ceph CLI and do not require manual CRUSH map edits. If you have identified a use case where manual edits are necessary, consider contacting the Ceph developers so that future versions of Ceph can make this unnecessary.

要编辑现有的 CRUSH 图:

  1. 获取 CRUSH 图

  2. 反编译 CRUSH 图;

  3. 至少编辑一个设备规则

  4. 重编译 CRUSH 图;

  5. 注入 CRUSH 图

关于为指定存储池设置 CRUSH 图规则的细节,见调整存储池

获取 CRUSH 图

要获取集群的 CRUSH 图,执行命令:

ceph osd getcrushmap -o {compiled-crushmap-filename}

Ceph 将把 CRUSH 输出( -o )到你指定的文件,由于 CRUSH 图是已编译的,所以编辑前必须先反编译。

反编译 CRUSH 图

要反编译 CRUSH 图,执行命令:

crushtool -d {compiled-crushmap-filename} -o {decompiled-crushmap-filename}

重编译 CRUSH 图

To compile a CRUSH map, execute the following:

crushtool -c {decompiled-crushmap-filename} -o {compiled-crushmap-filename}

设置 CRUSH 图

To set the CRUSH map for your cluster, execute the following:

ceph osd setcrushmap -i {compiled-crushmap-filename}

Ceph will load (-i) a compiled CRUSH map from the filename you specified.


CRUSH 图有 6 个主要段落。

  1. tunables: The preamble at the top of the map described any tunables for CRUSH behavior that vary from the historical/legacy CRUSH behavior. These correct for old bugs, optimizations, or other changes in behavior that have been made over the years to improve CRUSH’s behavior.

  2. devices: Devices are individual ceph-osd daemons that can store data.

  3. types: 定义了 CRUSH 分级结构里要用的桶类型( types ),桶由逐级汇聚的存储位置(如行、机柜、机箱、主机等等)及其权重组成。

  4. buckets: Once you define bucket types, you must define each node in the hierarchy, its type, and which devices or other nodes it contains.

  5. rules: Rules define policy about how data is distributed across devices in the hierarchy.

  6. choose_args: Choose_args are alternative weights associated with the hierarchy that have been adjusted to optimize data placement. A single choose_args map can be used for the entire cluster, or one can be created for each individual pool.

CRUSH 图之设备

Devices are individual ceph-osd daemons that can store data. You will normally have one defined here for each OSD daemon in your cluster. Devices are identified by an id (a non-negative integer) and a name, normally osd.N where N is the device id.

设备也可以与一个 device class (如 hdd 或者 ssd )关联,这样就可以让 crush 规则方便地引用。

# devices
device {num} {osd.name} [class {class}]


# devices
device 0 osd.0 class ssd
device 1 osd.1 class hdd
device 2 osd.2
device 3 osd.3

绝大多数情况下,各设备都映射到单个 ceph-osd 守护进程。它通常是单个存储设备、一对设备(例如,一个用于数据、一个用于日志或元数据)、或者某些情况下一个小的 RAID 设备。

CRUSH 图之桶类型

CRUSH 图里的第二个列表定义了 bucket (桶)类型,桶简化了节点和叶子层次。节点(或非叶子)桶在分级结构里一般表示物理位置,节点汇聚了其它节点或叶子,叶桶表示 ceph-osd 守护进程及其对应的存储媒体。


CRUSH 中用到的 bucket 意思是分级结构中的一个节点,也就是一个位置或一部分硬件。但是在 RADOS 网关接口的术语中,它又是不同的概念。

要往 CRUSH 图中增加一种 bucket 类型,在现有桶类型列表下方新增一行,输入 type 、之后是惟一数字 ID 和一个桶名。按惯例,会有一个叶子桶为 type 0 ,然而你可以指定任何名字(如 osd 、 disk 、 drive 、 storage 等等):

type {num} {bucket-name}


# types
type 0 osd
type 1 host
type 2 chassis
type 3 rack
type 4 row
type 5 pdu
type 6 pod
type 7 room
type 8 datacenter
type 9 region
type 10 root

CRUSH 图之桶层次

CRUSH 算法根据各设备的权重、大致统一的概率把数据对象分布到存储设备中。 CRUSH 根据你定义的集群运行图分布对象及其副本, CRUSH 图表达了可用存储设备以及包含它们的逻辑单元。

要把归置组映射到跨故障域的 OSD ,一个 CRUSH 图需定义一系列分级桶类型(即现有 CRUSH 图的 #type 下)。创建桶分级结构的目的是按故障域隔离叶节点,像主机、机箱、机柜、电力分配单元、机群、行、房间、和数据中心。除了表示叶节点的 OSD ,其它分级结构都是任意的,你可以按需定义。

我们建议 CRUSH 图内的命名符合贵公司的硬件命名规则,并且采用反映物理硬件的例程名。良好的命名可简化集群管理和故障排除,当 OSD 和/或其它硬件出问题时,管理员可轻易找到对应物理硬件。

在下例中,桶分级结构有一个名为 osd 的分支、和两个节点分别名为 hostrack


编号较高的 rack 桶类型汇聚编号较低的 host 桶类型。

位于 CRUSH 图起始部分、 #devices 列表内是表示叶节点的存储设备,没必要声明为桶例程。位于分级结构第二低层的桶一般用于汇聚设备(即它通常是包含存储媒体的计算机,你可以用自己喜欢的名字描述,如节点、计算机、服务器、主机、机器等等)。在高密度环境下,经常出现一机框内安装多个主机/节点的情况,因此还要考虑机框故障——比如,某一节点故障后需要拉出机框维修,这会影响多个主机/节点和其内的 OSD 。

声明一个桶例程时,你必须指定其类型、惟一名称(字符串)、惟一负整数 ID (可选)、指定和各条目总容量/能力相关的权重、指定桶算法(通常是 straw )、和哈希(通常为 0 ,表示散列算法 rjenkins1 )。一个桶可以包含一到多条,这些条目可以由节点桶或叶子组成,它们可以有个权重用来反映条目的相对权重。


[bucket-type] [bucket-name] {
        id [a unique negative numeric ID]
        weight [the relative capacity/capability of the item(s)]
        alg [the bucket type: uniform | list | tree | straw ]
        hash [the hash type: 0 by default]
        item [item-name] weight [weight]

例如,用上面的图表,我们可以定义两个主机桶和一个机柜桶, OSD 被声明为主机桶内的条目:

host node1 {
        id -1
        alg straw
        hash 0
        item osd.0 weight 1.00
        item osd.1 weight 1.00

host node2 {
        id -2
        alg straw
        hash 0
        item osd.2 weight 1.00
        item osd.3 weight 1.00

rack rack1 {
        id -3
        alg straw
        hash 0
        item node1 weight 2.00
        item node2 weight 2.00


在前述示例中,机柜桶不包含任何 OSD ,它只包含低一级的主机桶、以及其内条目的权重之和。


Ceph 支持四种桶,每种都是性能和组织简易间的折衷。如果你不确定用哪种桶,我们建议 straw ,关于桶类型的详细讨论见 CRUSH - 可控、可伸缩、分布式地归置多副本数据,特别是 Section 3.4 。支持的桶类型有:

  1. Uniform: 这种桶用完全相同的权重汇聚设备。例如,公司采购或淘汰硬件时,一般都有相同的物理配置(如批发)。当存储设备权重都相同时,你可以用 uniform 桶类型,它允许 CRUSH 按常数把副本映射到 uniform 桶。权重不统一时,你应该采用其它算法。

  2. List: 这种桶把它们的内容汇聚为链表。它基于 RUSH P 算法,一个列表就是一个自然、直观的扩展集群:对象会按一定概率被重定位到最新的设备、或者像从前一样仍保留在较老的设备上。结果是优化了新条目加入桶时的数据迁移。然而,如果从链表的中间或末尾删除了一些条目,将会导致大量没必要的挪动。所以这种桶适合永不或极少缩减的场景。

  3. Tree: 它用一种二进制搜索树,在桶包含大量条目时比 list 桶更高效。它基于 RUSH R 算法, tree 桶把归置时间减少到了 O(log n) ,这使得它们更适合管理更大规模的设备或嵌套桶。

  4. Straw: list 和 tree 桶用分而治之策略,给特定条目一定优先级(如位于链表开头的条目)、或避开对整个子树上所有条目的考虑。这样提升了副本归置进程的性能,但是也导致了重新组织时的次优结果,如增加、拆除、或重设某条目的权重。 straw 桶类型允许所有条目模拟拉稻草的过程公平地相互“竞争”副本归置。

  5. Straw2: Straw2 桶是对 straw 的改进,在邻居权重改变时可正确地避免条目间的数据迁移。

    例如,条目 A 的权重再次增大或完全删除,都仅会有数据迁移进或移出条目 A 。


各个桶都用了一种散列算法,当前 Ceph 仅支持 rjenkins1 ,输入 0 表示散列算法设置为 rjenkins1


Ceph 用双整形表示桶权重。权重和设备容量不同,我们建议用 1.00 作为 1TB 存储设备的相对权重,这样 0.5 的权重大概代表 500GB 、 3.00 大概代表 3TB 。较高级桶的权重是所有枝叶桶的权重之和。

一个桶的权重是一维的,你也可以计算条目权重来反映存储设备性能。例如,如果你有很多 1TB 的硬盘,其中一些数据传输速率相对低、其他的数据传输率相对高,即使它们容量相同,也应该设置不同的权重(如给吞吐量较低的硬盘设置权重 0.8 ,较高的设置 1.20 )。

CRUSH 图之规则

CRUSH 图支持“ CRUSH 规则”概念,用以决定一个存储池里的数据如何归置。默认的 CRUSH 图有一条规则适用于各存储池。对大型集群来说,你可能创建很多存储池,且每个存储池都有它自己的、非默认的 CRUSH 规则。


大多数情况下,你都不需要修改默认规则。默认情况下,新创建的存储池其规则会设置为 0

CRUSH 规则定义了归置和复制策略、或分布策略,用它可以规定 CRUSH 如何放置对象副本。例如,你也许想创建一条规则用以选择一对目的地做双路镜像;另一条规则用以选择位于两个数据中心的三个目的地做三路镜像;又一条规则用 6 个设备做纠删编码。关于 CRUSH 规则的详细研究见 CRUSH - 可控、可伸缩、分布式地归置多副本数据,主要是 Section 3.2


rule <rulename> {

        id [a unique whole numeric ID]
        type [ replicated | erasure ]
        min_size <min-size>
        max_size <max-size>
        step take <bucket-name> [class <device-class>]
        step [choose|chooseleaf] [firstn|indep] <N> type <bucket-type>
        step emit














为一个驱动器(多副本的)或 RAID 确定一条规则。










当前仅支持 replicatederasure



如果一个归置组副本数小于此数, CRUSH 将应用此规则。











如果一个归置组副本数大于此数, CRUSH 将应用此规则。









step take <bucket-name> [class <device-class>]


选取一个桶名,并沿树往下迭代。如果指定了 device-class ,它必须与前面定义设备时的分类名一致,不属于此类的设备都会被排除在外。






step take data

step choose firstn {num} type {bucket-type}


在当前可用桶中选取指定类型桶的数量,这个数字通常是所在存储池的副本数(即 pool size )。

  • 如果 {num} == 0 选择 pool-num-replicas 个桶(所有可用的);

  • 如果 {num} > 0 && < pool-num-replicas 就选择那么多的桶;

  • 如果 {num} < 0 它意为 pool-num-replicas - {num}




跟在 step takestep choose 之后。


step choose firstn 1 type row

step chooseleaf firstn {num} type {bucket-type}


选择 {bucket-type} 类型的一堆桶,并从各桶的子树里选择一个叶子节点(即一个 OSD )。集合内桶的数量通常是所在存储池的副本数(即 pool size )。

  • 如果 {num} == 0 选择 pool-num-replicas 个桶(所有可用的);

  • 如果 {num} > 0 && < pool-num-replicas 就选择那么多的桶;

  • 如果 {num} < 0 意为 pool-num-replicas - {num}




跟在 step takestep choose 之后。


step chooseleaf firstn 0 type row

step emit






step choose 之后。


step emit


一条 CRUSH 规则可以分配给多个存储池使用,但是一个存储池不能同时配置多条 CRUSH 规则。

firstn versus indep


Controls the replacement strategy CRUSH uses when items (OSDs) are marked down in the CRUSH map. If this rule is to be used with replicated pools it should be firstn and if it’s for erasure-coded pools it should be indep.

The reason has to do with how they behave when a previously-selected device fails. Let’s say you have a PG stored on OSDs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then 3 goes down.

With the “firstn” mode, CRUSH simply adjusts its calculation to select 1 and 2, then selects 3 but discovers it’s down, so it retries and selects 4 and 5, and then goes on to select a new OSD 6. So the final CRUSH mapping change is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -> 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.

But if you’re storing an EC pool, that means you just changed the data mapped to OSDs 4, 5, and 6! So the “indep” mode attempts to not do that. You can instead expect it, when it selects the failed OSD 3, to try again and pick out 6, for a final transformation of: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -> 1, 2, 6, 4, 5

从老式的 SSD 规则迁移到设备类

It used to be necessary to manually edit your CRUSH map and maintain a parallel hierarchy for each specialized device type (e.g., SSD) in order to write rules that apply to those devices. Since the Luminous release, the device class feature has enabled this transparently.

However, migrating from an existing, manually customized per-device map to the new device class rules in the trivial way will cause all data in the system to be reshuffled.

The crushtool has a few commands that can transform a legacy rule and hierarchy so that you can start using the new class-based rules. There are three types of transformations possible:

  1. --reclassify-root <root-name> <device-class>

    This will take everything in the hierarchy beneath root-name and adjust any rules that reference that root via a take <root-name> to instead take <root-name> class <device-class>. It renumbers the buckets in such a way that the old IDs are instead used for the specified class’s “shadow tree” so that no data movement takes place.

    For example, imagine you have an existing rule like:

    rule replicated_ruleset {
       id 0
       type replicated
       min_size 1
       max_size 10
       step take default
       step chooseleaf firstn 0 type rack
       step emit

    If you reclassify the root default as class hdd, the rule will become:

    rule replicated_ruleset {
       id 0
       type replicated
       min_size 1
       max_size 10
       step take default class hdd
       step chooseleaf firstn 0 type rack
       step emit
  2. --set-subtree-class <bucket-name> <device-class>

    This will mark every device in the subtree rooted at bucket-name with the specified device class.

    This is normally used in conjunction with the --reclassify-root option to ensure that all devices in that root are labeled with the correct class. In some situations, however, some of those devices (correctly) have a different class and we do not want to relabel them. In such cases, one can exclude the --set-subtree-class option. This means that the remapping process will not be perfect, since the previous rule distributed across devices of multiple classes but the adjusted rules will only map to devices of the specified device-class, but that often is an accepted level of data movement when the nubmer of outlier devices is small.

  3. --reclassify-bucket <match-pattern> <device-class> <default-parent>

    This will allow you to merge a parallel type-specific hiearchy with the normal hierarchy. For example, many users have maps like:

    host node1 {
       id -2           # do not change unnecessarily
       # weight 109.152
       alg straw
       hash 0  # rjenkins1
       item osd.0 weight 9.096
       item osd.1 weight 9.096
       item osd.2 weight 9.096
       item osd.3 weight 9.096
       item osd.4 weight 9.096
       item osd.5 weight 9.096
    host node1-ssd {
       id -10          # do not change unnecessarily
       # weight 2.000
       alg straw
       hash 0  # rjenkins1
       item osd.80 weight 2.000
    root default {
       id -1           # do not change unnecessarily
       alg straw
       hash 0  # rjenkins1
       item node1 weight 110.967
    root ssd {
       id -18          # do not change unnecessarily
       # weight 16.000
       alg straw
       hash 0  # rjenkins1
       item node1-ssd weight 2.000

    This function will reclassify each bucket that matches a pattern. The pattern can look like %suffix or prefix%. For example, in the above example, we would use the pattern %-ssd. For each matched bucket, the remaining portion of the name (that matches the % wildcard) specifies the base bucket. All devices in the matched bucket are labeled with the specified device class and then moved to the base bucket. If the base bucket does not exist (e.g., node12-ssd exists but node12 does not), then it is created and linked underneath the specified default parent bucket. In each case, we are careful to preserve the old bucket IDs for the new shadow buckets to prevent data movement. Any rules with take steps referencing the old buckets are adjusted.

  4. --reclassify-bucket <bucket-name> <device-class> <base-bucket>

    The same command can also be used without a wildcard to map a single bucket. For example, in the previous example, we want the ssd bucket to be mapped to the default bucket.

The final command to convert the map comprised of the above fragments would be something like:

$ ceph osd getcrushmap -o original
$ crushtool -i original --reclassify \
    --set-subtree-class default hdd \
    --reclassify-root default hdd \
    --reclassify-bucket %-ssd ssd default \
    --reclassify-bucket ssd ssd default \
    -o adjusted

In order to ensure that the conversion is correct, there is a --compare command that will test a large sample of inputs to the CRUSH map and ensure that the same result comes back out. These inputs are controlled by the same options that apply to the --test command. For the above example,:

$ crushtool -i original --compare adjusted
rule 0 had 0/10240 mismatched mappings (0)
rule 1 had 0/10240 mismatched mappings (0)
maps appear equivalent

If there were difference, you’d see what ratio of inputs are remapped in the parentheses.

If you are satisfied with the adjusted map, you can apply it to the cluster with something like:

ceph osd setcrushmap -i adjusted

调整 CRUSH ,强硬方法

如果你能保证所有客户端都运行最新代码,你可以这样调整可调值:从集群抽取 CRUSH 图、修改值、重注入。

  • 提抽取最新 CRUSH 图:

    ceph osd getcrushmap -o /tmp/crush
  • 调整可调参数。这些值在我们测试过的大、小型集群上都有最佳表现。在极端情况下,你需要给 crushtool 额外指定 --enable-unsafe-tunables 参数才行:

    crushtool -i /tmp/crush --set-choose-local-tries 0 --set-choose-local-fallback-tries 0 --set-choose-total-tries 50 -o /tmp/crush.new
  • 重注入修改的图。

    ceph osd setcrushmap -i /tmp/crush.new


供参考,CRUSH 可调参数的遗留值可以用下面命令设置:

crushtool -i /tmp/crush --set-choose-local-tries 2 --set-choose-local-fallback-tries 5 --set-choose-total-tries 19 --set-chooseleaf-descend-once 0 --set-chooseleaf-vary-r 0 -o /tmp/crush.legacy

再次申明, --enable-unsafe-tunables 是必需的,而且前面也提到了,回退到遗留值后慎用旧版 ceph-osd 进程,因为此功能位不是完全强制的。