Zabbix 插件¶
Zabbix 插件可向 Zabbix 服务器持续发送信息,像这些:
Ceph 状态
I/O 操作
I/O 带宽
OSD 状态
此插件要求 zabbix_sender 可执行文件在所有运行 ceph-mgr 的主机上都存在。大多数发行版都可以用软件包管理器安装它。
在 Ubuntu 或 CentOS 上安装 zabbix_sender 可以用 apt 或 dnf 命令。
在 Ubuntu Xenial上:
apt install zabbix-agent
在 Fedora 上:
dnf install zabbix-sender
identifier (可选项)
The parameter zabbix_host controls the hostname of the Zabbix server to which zabbix_sender will send the items. This can be a IP-Address if required by your installation.
The identifier parameter controls the identifier/hostname to use as source when sending items to Zabbix. This should match the name of the Host in your Zabbix server.
When the identifier parameter is not configured the ceph-<fsid> of the cluster will be used when sending data to Zabbix.
This would for example be ceph-c4d32a99-9e80-490f-bd3a-1d22d8a7d354
Additional configuration keys which can be configured and their default values:
zabbix_port: 10051
zabbix_sender: /usr/bin/zabbix_sender
interval: 60
discovery_interval: 100
可以在任何有合适 cephx 凭据的主机上配置键,通常是在持有 client.admin 密钥的监视器主机上。
ceph zabbix config-set <key> <value>
ceph zabbix config-set zabbix_host zabbix.localdomain
ceph zabbix config-set identifier
ceph zabbix config-show
A template. (XML) to be used on the Zabbix server can be found in the source directory of the plugin.
This template contains all items and a few triggers. You can customize the triggers afterwards to fit your needs.
多个 Zabbix 服务器¶
It is possible to instruct zabbix module to send data to multiple Zabbix servers.
Parameter zabbix_host can be set with multiple hostnames separated by commas. Hosnames (or IP adderesses) can be followed by colon and port number. If a port number is not present module will use the port number defined in zabbix_port.
ceph zabbix config-set zabbix_host "zabbix1,zabbix2:2222,zabbix3:3333"
ceph zabbix send
此模块就会立即把它的最新数据发送给 Zabbix 服务器。
Items discovery is accomplished also via zabbix_sender, and runs every discovery_interval * interval seconds. If you wish to launch discovery manually, this can be done with this command:
ceph zabbix discovery
你要是想调试 Zabbix 模块,增大 ceph-mgr 的日志记录级别、并检查日志即可。
debug mgr = 20
With logging set to debug for the manager the plugin will print various logging lines prefixed with mgr[zabbix] for easy filtering.