升级 MDS 集群

Currently the MDS cluster does not have built-in versioning or file system flags to support seamless upgrades of the MDSs without potentially causing assertions or other faults due to incompatible messages or other functional differences. For this reason, it’s necessary during any cluster upgrade to reduce the number of active MDS for a file system to one first so that two active MDS do not communicate with different versions. Further, it’s also necessary to take standbys offline as any new CompatSet flags will propagate via the MDSMap to all MDS and cause older MDS to suicide.

The proper sequence for upgrading the MDS cluster is:

  1. Reduce the number of ranks to 1:

ceph fs set <fs_name> max_mds 1
  1. Wait for cluster to stop non-zero ranks where only rank 0 is active and the rest are standbys.

ceph status # wait for MDS to finish stopping
  1. Take all standbys offline, e.g. using systemctl:

systemctl stop ceph-mds.target
  1. Confirm only one MDS is online and is rank 0 for your FS:

ceph status
  1. Upgrade the single active MDS, e.g. using systemctl:

# use package manager to update cluster
systemctl restart ceph-mds.target
  1. Upgrade/start the standby daemons.

# use package manager to update cluster
systemctl restart ceph-mds.target
  1. Restore the previous max_mds for your cluster:

ceph fs set <fs_name> max_mds <old_max_mds>

升级比 Firefly 老的文件系统,需过 Jewel 这个槛


本建议是给那些用 Firefly (0.80) 之前的 Ceph 创建了文件系统的用户们。打算创建新文件系统的用户可以忽略此建议。

Ceph 版本小于 Firefly 的,使用了现已废弃的格式来存储 CephFS 目录对象,也就是 TMAP 。到 Jewel 版以后, RADOS 就不再支持此格式的读取了,所以,对于升级 CephFS 的用户来说,非常重要的事就是转换旧目录对象格式。

在所有的 MDS 和 OSD 服务器上安装 Jewel 版、并重启服务后,运行下面的命令:

cephfs-data-scan tmap_upgrade <metadata pool name>


如果你想把一个比 Firefly 还老的 CephFS 文件系统升级到比 Jewel 更高的版本,必须先升级到 Jewel 版,然后运行 tmap_upgrade 命令,之后才能升级到最新版本。